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Baby hero desktop
Peuter hero desktop
Kleuter hero desktop
Baby hero mobile
Kleuter hero mobile
Peuter hero mobile

Discovering together

Growing together

Enjoying together


Every step of the way

From those precious first days with your newborn baby to the exciting adventures of toddlerhood, Nûby is with you every step of the way. We strive to make life easier, happier, and more colourful for parents and children with our wide range of baby and children's products. Alongside this, we provide expert advice to ease your doubts and worries.

Care products from Nûby from nasal cleanser to manicure

In the spotlight

Our grooming products not only offer style in your bathroom, but also comfort when you need it most. 

Whether it is the gentle care of baby nails or relief for a sick child with a stuffy nose, you are always prepared.

Practical, safe and with a touch of elegance - for you and your little one. Stylish care for every stage 🌟


Tips and tricks for the baby phase

Whether you're on a pink, blue, or multicoloured cloud, the baby phase is a magical time filled with new milestones every day. From sleep training to those first tastes of solid food, we’re here to help you embrace and celebrate every step of the journey.

Age baby


Inspiration for active toddlers

Are you navigating the dynamic world of toddlers, full of discoveries and surprises? Whether you're stimulating their curiosity or managing the occasional tantrum, we’re here to support and inspire you every step of the way.

Age peuter


Dive into the world of your preschooler

What’s more exciting than the imaginative world of toddlers, where creativity knows no bounds and every moment brings a new adventure? Our blog is packed with valuable insights and tips to help parents navigate this thrilling stage of growth and development.

Age kleuter
Author thumbnail
I must say, these spoons are absolutely top-notch. I use them daily—they’re comfortable to hold and fit perfectly in my baby's mouth.
Thessi via @nuby_benl

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